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Image Registry

This topic describes using an image registry within a chaos experiment.

What is an image registry?

An image registry is a repository that hosts container images that are used by chaos experiments. Registries can be public or private. HCE allows you to use custom image registries for chaos experiments.

A custom image registry allows for storing container images securely, restricting access to authorized users and applications only.

  • You can configure the image registry to be used with the default probes. If you haven't configured a probe yet, the experiment will use the default image registry.
  • HCE doesn't provide image registry support at the moment for default probes.

Follow the steps below to use custom values or default values of the image registry in your chaos experiment.

Why use a Custom Image Registry?

When the image you need to use for your chaos experiment is private, and the chaos experiments are required to be run for internal consumption, you can configure image registry as private and provide custom values to it. This way, you will have better control, and security when working with private images.

Custom values for image registry

Step 1: Navigate to Image Registry

  • To use a custom image, go to Image Registry on the left-hand side, and select Use custom values.


Step 2: Specify parameters

  • Specify parameters for the custom values, such as Custom image registry server, Custom image registry account, and Registry type.


  • You can choose between Public or Private in the Registry type. When you select Private registry type, add the secret name.


Step 3: Save the custom values

  • Select Save to save your changes.

In your chaos experiment manifest, the above custom setting will be reflected below.

name: ""
- name: defreg
- sh
- "-c"
- kubectl apply -f /tmp/ -n {{workflow.parameters.adminModeNamespace}} && sleep 30
  • If you use a public image or provide the imagePullSecret while using a private registry, the Argo workflow controller (v3.4.x) finds the entry point for litmus-checker.
  • If you use an image from an internal registry without providing imagePullSecret, the workflow facilitates a default command that you can use to determine the entry point of litmus-checker.

Default values for image registry

  • To use a default image, navigate to image registry, select Use default values, and then select Save.


In your chaos experiment manifest, the above default setting will be reflected below.

name: ""
- sh
- "-c"
- kubectl apply -f /tmp/ -n {{workflow.parameters.adminModeNamespace}} && sleep 30