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Pod DNS Spoof

Pod DNS spoof is a Kubernetes pod-level chaos fault that injects chaos into pods to mimic DNS resolution. This fault resolves DNS target host names or domains to other IPs as specified in the SPOOF_MAP environment variable in the chaos engine configuration.

Pod DNS Spoof

Use cases

Pod DNS spoof:

  • Determines the resilience of an application when host names are resolved incorrectly.
  • Determines how quickly an application can resolve the host names and recover from the failure.
  • Simulates custom responses from a spoofed upstream service.


  • Kubernetes > 1.16
  • The application pods should be in the running state before and after injecting chaos.

Optional tunables

Tunable Description Notes
TARGET_CONTAINER Name of the container subject to DNS spoof. None. For more information, go to target specific container
NODE_LABEL Node label used to filter the target node if TARGET_NODE environment variable is not set. It is mutually exclusive with the TARGET_NODE environment variable. If both are provided, the fault uses TARGET_NODE. For more information, go to node label.
TOTAL_CHAOS_DURATION Duration for which to insert chaos (in seconds). Default: 60 s. For more information, go to duration of the chaos
SPOOF_MAP Map of the target host names. For example, '{"":""}' where key is the host name to be spoofed and value is the host name to which the key is spoofed or redirected to. If not provided, no host names or domains are spoofed.
PODS_AFFECTED_PERC Percentage of total pods to target. Provide numeric values. Default: 0 (corresponds to 1 replica). For more information, go to pod affected percentage
CONTAINER_RUNTIME Container runtime interface for the cluster. Default: containerd. Supports values: docker, containerd and crio. For more information, go to container runtime
SOCKET_PATH Path of the docker socket file. Default: /run/containerd/containerd.sock. For more information, go to socket path
RAMP_TIME Period to wait before and after injecting chaos (in seconds). For example, 30 s. For more information, go to ramp time
LIB_IMAGE Image used to inject chaos. Default: chaosnative/chaos-go-runner:main-latest. For more information, go to image used by the helper pod.
SEQUENCE Sequence of chaos execution for multiple target pods. Default: parallel. Supports serial and parallel. For more information, go to sequence of chaos execution

Spoof map

Map of the target host names. For example, '{"":""}' where the key is the host name to be spoofed and the value is the host name to which the key is spoofed or redirected. Tune it by using the SPOOF_MAP environment variable.

The following YAML snippet illustrates the use of this environment variable:

# contains the spoof map for the dns spoofing
kind: ChaosEngine
name: engine-nginx
engineState: "active"
annotationCheck: "false"
appns: "default"
applabel: "app=nginx"
appkind: "deployment"
chaosServiceAccount: litmus-admin
- name: pod-dns-spoof
# map of host names
- name: SPOOF_MAP
value: '{"":""}'
value: "60"

Container runtime and socket path

The CONTAINER_RUNTIME and SOCKET_PATH environment variables to set the container runtime and socket file path, respectively.

  • CONTAINER_RUNTIME: It supports docker, containerd, and crio runtimes. The default value is containerd.
  • SOCKET_PATH: It contains path of containerd socket file by default (/run/containerd/containerd.sock). For docker, specify path as /var/run/docker.sock. For crio, specify path as /var/run/crio/crio.sock.

The following YAML snippet illustrates the use of these environment variables:

## provide the container runtime and socket file path
kind: ChaosEngine
name: engine-nginx
engineState: "active"
annotationCheck: "false"
appns: "default"
applabel: "app=nginx"
appkind: "deployment"
chaosServiceAccount: litmus-admin
- name: pod-dns-spoof
# runtime for the container
# supports docker
value: "containerd"
# path of the socket file
value: "/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
# map of host names
- name: SPOOF_MAP
value: '{"":""}'
VALUE: "60"