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Run or Schedule Experiment


This topic describes how you can run or schedule experiments.

After configuring your chaos experiment, you can run the experiment immediately by clicking the Run button, or schedule it to run at a specific time by selecting the Schedule tab.

Execute Experiment Once

  • To execute the experiment once, select Non-Cron (Single run), click Set Schedule, and then select Run.

  • To run the experiment once, and at a specific time, select the Run Once at a specific time, choose the date and time, click apply, and select Set Schedule.

    Schedule experiment

Execute Experiment on a Schedule

  1. To schedule the experiment to run periodically, select Cron (Recurring run), and set the schedule using the Minutes, Hourly, Daily, Monthly or Yearly options. The Cron Expression will be automatically generated.

  2. Click Set Schedule.

    cron experiment

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