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This topic lists the RBAC permissions required to execute DDCR-based Kubernetes faults.

Resource Modes (Scope of chaos agent) Permissions required Uses
pods Namespaced, Cluster [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch, deletecollection]
  • Injecting chaos.
  • Creating and monitoring helper pods.
  • Tracking and getting logs
secrets, configmaps, services Namespaced, Cluster [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch, deletecollection] Creating and monitoring helper pods.
deployments, replicasets, daemonsets, statefulsets Namespaced, Cluster [get, list] Checking app parent resources as eligible chaos candidate.
replicationcontrollers Namespaced, Cluster [get, list] Checking app parent resources as eligible chaos candidate.
services Namespaced, Cluster [get, list] Checking app parent resources as eligible chaos candidate.
deploymentconfigs Namespaced, Cluster [get, list] Checking app parent resources as eligible chaos candidate in OpenShift environments.
rollouts Namespaced, Cluster [get, list] Checking app parent resources as eligible chaos candidate.
jobs Namespaced, Cluster [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch, deletecollection] Creating and monitoring helper pods.
pods/logs Namespaced, Cluster [get, list, watch] Tracking and getting logs of helper pods.
deployments Namespaced, Cluster [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, deletecollection] To manage the self pod lifecycle.