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What's supported in Harness CDE


Harness CDE is now available in public beta. To enable it on your account, contact your sales representative or reach out to the team at

Harness CDE supports a number of git providers to fetch the code from and few IDE's to help you with a developer environment.

Git Providers

You can create Gitspaces for the following repository types:

  1. Harness Code Repo public and private repositories

  2. GitHub Cloud public and private repositories

  3. Bitbucket Cloud public and private repositories

  4. Any public Git repository


Gitspaces come pre-configured with your IDE of choice. We currently support the following:

  1. VS Code Desktop (>=v1.81.0)
  2. VS Code Browser

We are working on support for IntelliJ IDEA and other popular IDEs, so stay tuned for those to be added soon.


To use VS Code Desktop, you need to install and configure the Gitspaces extensions.

Regions Available​

  1. US West

  2. US East

We're working on adding more regions, as well as more flexible hosting models for customers who want to self-host their CDE infrastructure.

Machine Types

Currently supported machine types are:

  1. Standard: 2 core CPU 8GB Ram and 30GB Disk Size

  2. Large: 4 core CPU 16GB Ram and 30 GB Disk Size

If you're looking for larger machines, please let us know, and we can discuss custom configurations to meet your needs.