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Create PRs

Pull requests (PRs) foster collaboration within your team, ensuring code changes go through required reviews, approvals, and checks before being merged to the base branch.

Create a pull request

  1. In your repository, go to Pull Requests and select New Pull Request.

  2. Select the base branch and the compare branch, which is the branch that you want to merge into the base branch.

  3. You can edit the Title and enter a Description.

  4. If this PR is ready for review, select Create pull request.

    To save a PR as a draft, select the dropdown next to Create pull request, and then select Create draft pull request.

  5. Request reviews and then merge the PR.


You can also create PRs by comparing branches and when committing changes.

Close a pull request

If you decide a pull request is invalid or not ready for review, you can close it.

  1. In your repository, go to Pull Requests, and select the PR you want to close.
  2. Select the dropdown next to Squash and merge, and select Close pull request.
  3. Select Close pull request again to confirm the closure.

To reopen the PR, select Open for review.

Pull request templates

Pull request templates encourage contributors to provide required and optional information in pull request descriptions.

To create a pull request template for a Harness Code repo, create a file in the repo's .harness directory, and then add your Markdown-formatted template to For example:

## Change summary

This PR includes changes that...

## Change type

- [ ] Bug fix
- [ ] Enhancements
- [ ] Documentation
- [ ] Maintenance

## Linked issues

This PR includes changes that address the following issues/tickets:

- x
- x
- x

When a contributor opens a PR, Harness checks for in the .harness directory and populates the PR description with the template.