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CI environment variables reference

This topic describes environment variables you might encounter when using Harness CI. These variables contain information about the build, such as how the build started, codebase information, build infrastructure, step identifiers, and more. These are pipeline runtime environment variables, and they are available to all stages and steps in the pipeline.

This reference focuses on Harness CI-specific environment variables prefixed by CI_, HARNESS_, and DRONE_. However, additional environment variables can be present based on your build infrastructure, build tools, specific steps used, and other pipeline configuration possibilities. You can use a printenv command in a Run step to get a list of environment variables for a specific stage.

Reference environment variables

You can reference Harness CI environment variables through either:

  • Direct reference in scripts and commands, when available, such as machine ${DRONE_NETRC_MACHINE}.
  • Equivalent Harness expressions, such as <+pipeline.sequenceId> for HARNESS_BUILD_ID.

Variable resolution

The value of an environment variable depends on the build conditions. A variable is resolved only if the build includes the necessary information for that variable.

For example, DRONE_PULL_REQUEST is only resolved if the build started from a pull request. Builds that aren't started from a PR won't have a PR number to assign to that variable.

Environment variable values in manual builds

Manual builds occur when you manually run a pipeline from within Harness. If your pipeline has a codebase configuration, you can select a branch, PR, or tag to build.

  • Manual branch builds: Manually run a pipeline and select the Git Branch build type. Harness looks for the source code attached to the specified Branch Name, and it clones that specific source code for the build.
  • Manual pull request (PR) builds: Manually run a pipeline and select the Git Pull Request build type. Harness looks for the source code attached to the specified Pull Request Number, and it clones that specific source code for the build.
  • Manual tag builds: Manually run a pipeline and select the Git Tag build type. Harness looks for the source code attached to the specified Tag Name, and it clones that specific source code for the build.

Environment variable values in webhook trigger builds

You can automatically trigger pipelines using Git events. Webhook triggers listen for specific events in your code repo, and then trigger builds when those events occur.

  • Pull request (PR) triggers: A Pull Request Webhook Event automatically starts a build in Harness when there is a new pull request event on the pipeline's associated Git repo. You can specify the type of pull request events to track, such as close, open, update/edit, reopen, and so on.
  • Push triggers: A Push Webhook Event automatically starts a build in Harness when there is a new branch or tag push event on the pipeline's associated Git repo.

Difference between DRONE_ and PLUGIN_ variables

DRONE_ variables are environment variables that are automatically set at the pipeline level. These are pipeline runtime variables, and they are available to all stages and steps in the pipeline. Many DRONE_ variables have equivalent CI_ or HARNESS_ environment variables. The DRONE_ variables are derived from Drone, which is part of Harness CI. Providing first-class support for Drone environment variables makes it easier to migrate from standalone Drone to Harness CI and provides better support for Drone plugins that use those variables.

PLUGIN_ variables represent plugin settings. There are three ways they can be defined depending on their usage and the build infrastructure:

  • The plugin step's settings. For example, setting.url becomes PLUGIN_URL at runtime.
  • Stage variables. For example, you can use the PLUGIN_DRY_RUN stage variable to Build a Docker image without pushing.
  • Environment variables in Build and Push steps running on Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure.

Codebase and trigger variables

These variables contain codebase attributes and information about how builds start (triggers). For more information about codebase attributes and expressions you can use to reference codebase attributes, go to the CI codebase variables reference.


For branch builds and PR builds, this variable's value is the target branch for the build.

For tag push webhook triggers, this variable's value is the tag reference, such as refs/tags/TAG_NAME.

For manual tag builds, this variable is not applicable and can be empty.

Depending on the build type, this can be equivalent to the expressions <+codebase.targetBranch> or <+codebase.branch>.

This variable is similar to DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH and DRONE_TARGET_BRANCH.


Only applicable to PR webhook triggers, this variable describes the PR event that triggered the build, such as open or reopen.

For all other build types, this variable is not applicable.

This variable is similar, but not equivalent, to the expression <+trigger.event>.


The type of event that started the build, such as push, pull_request, or tag.

This is similar to the expressions <> and <+pipeline.triggerType>.


Source that started the build, a user or webhook. Similar, but not equivalent, to the expressions <pipeline.triggerType> or <>. May be empty.


Only applicable to build started by tag push webhook triggers. If the Git tag is a valid calendar version string, this value represents the tag as a valid calver string, such as 19.1.0-beta.20190318.

Harness CI doesn't support DRONE_CALVER variations, such as DRONE_CALVER_SHORT.


The full Git commit SHA for the latest commit in the branch, tag, or PR. Corresponds with the expressions <+codebase.commitSha> or <+trigger.commitSha>.

It can be the same as DRONE_COMMIT_SHA.


For Bitbucket PR builds (manual or webhook), this expression returns a shortened SHA due to the Bitbucket webhook payload only sending shortened SHAs.

This isn't the same as the short SHA returned by <+codebase.shortCommitSha>.


This variable provides the Git commit SHA after applying a patch. It can be used in conjunction with DRONE_COMMIT_BEFORE to create a diff.

Possible values include: a unique commit SHA, the same SHA as DRONE_COMMIT, empty, or all zeros.


User name of the Git account associated with the build. Equivalent to the expressions <+codebase.gitUser> and <+trigger.gitUser>. Can sometimes be null or masked in build logs.


User avatar of the Git account associated with the build. Equivalent to the expression <+codebase.gitUserAvatar>. Can be empty.


User email of the Git account associated with the build. Equivalent to the expression <+codebase.gitUserEmail>. Can be sometimes be empty/null or masked in build logs.


User-defined display name for the Git user associated with the build. Can be empty.


This variable provides the Git commit SHA before applying a patch. It can be used in conjunction with DRONE_COMMIT_AFTER to create a diff.

Possible values include: a unique commit SHA, the same SHA as DRONE_COMMIT, empty, or all zeros.


For branch builds and PR builds, this variable's value is the target branch for the build.

For tag push webhook triggers, this variable's value is the tag reference, such as refs/tags/TAG_NAME.

For manual tag builds, this variable is not applicable and can be empty.

Depending on the build type, this can be equivalent to the expressions <+codebase.targetBranch> or <+codebase.branch>.

This variable is similar to DRONE_BRANCH and DRONE_TARGET_BRANCH.

Provides a link to the commit, PR, or tag in SCM.

For PR builds, this is equivalent to the expression <+codebase.pullRequestLink>.


The latest commit message from a tag, branch, or PR. Equivalent to the expression <+codebase.commitMessage>.

When referenced in an echo, this value can cause execution errors if the message has multiple lines. The shell might attempt to execute the commit message as a command. You might need to include additional handling if you want to echo multiline commit messages.


Provides a Git reference corresponding to the branch, tag, or PR. For example:

  • Branch reference: refs/heads/main
  • Tag reference: refs/tags/v1.0.0
  • PR reference: refs/pull/1/head

For manual builds, this can be empty.

This is similar to <+codebase.commitRef>.


The full Git commit SHA for the latest commit in the branch, tag, or PR. Corresponds with the expressions <+codebase.commitSha> or <+trigger.commitSha>.

It can be the same as DRONE_COMMIT.


Provides the HTTP(S) URL to clone a pipeline's codebase, such as


Provides the SSH URL to clone a pipeline's codebase, such as ssh://


For pull request builds, this variable provides the pull request number. For other builds, this variable is empty. This is equivalent to the expressions <+codebase.prNumber> and <+trigger.prNumber>.


For pull request builds, this variable provides the pull request title. For other builds, this variable is empty. This is equivalent to the expressions <+codebase.prTitle> and <+trigger.prTitle>.


Legacy variable provided for backward compatibility only. It is the same as DRONE_GIT_HTTP_URL.


Provides the full repository name (account/organization namespace and repository name) for the repo associated with the build, such as octocat/hello-world. By comparison, DRONE_REPO_NAME includes only the repo name and no namespace.


Provides the name of the default branch for the repo associated with the build. This can be different from the build's target branch.

Provides the standard repository link for the repo associated with the build, such as It is equivalent to the expressions <+codebase.repoUrl> and <+trigger.repoUrl>.

DRONE_REPO_LINK is different from DRONE_GIT_HTTP_URL, which is formatted to clone the repo.


Provides only the name of the repo associated with the build, such as hello-world in octocat/hello-world. By comparison, DRONE_REPO includes both the account/organization namespace and repo name, and DRONE_REPO_NAMESPACE includes only the namespace.


Provides only the account/organization namespace of the repo associated with the build, such as octocat in octocat/hello-world. By comparison, DRONE_REPO includes both the account/organization namespace and repo name, and DRONE_REPO_NAME includes only the repo name.




A Boolean that indicates whether the repository is private or not.

If true, the repo is private.

If false, the repo is public.

It defaults to true for manual builds, regardless of actual privacy.



Identifies the SCM provider, such as Github.


Describes repo visibility as public, private, or internal.

It defaults to private for manual builds, regardless of actual visibility.



Only applicable to tag builds. If the Git tag is a valid semantic version string, this value represents the tag as a valid semver string, such as 1.2.3-alpha.1.

Harness CI also supports these DRONE_SEMVER variations:

  • DRONE_SEMVER_MAJOR: Provides the major version number from the semver string, such as 1 in 1.2.3.
  • DRONE_SEMVER_MINOR: Provides the minor version number from the semver string, such as 2 in 1.2.3.
  • DRONE_SEMVER_PATCH: Provides the patch number from the semver string, such as 3 in 1.2.3.
  • DRONE_SEMVER_PRERELEASE: Provides the prelease value from the semver string, such as alpha.1 in 1.2.3-alpha.1.
  • DRONE_SEMVER_SHORT: Provides the short version of the semver string with truncated labels and metadata,such as 1.2.3 in 1.2.3-alpha.1.
  • DRONE_SEMVER_BUILD: Provides the build from the semver string, such as 001 in 1.2.3+001.
  • DRONE_SEMVER_ERROR: Provides the semver parsing error if the tag is not a valid semver string.


For PR builds, this value provides the PR source branch. You can use this value along with DRONE_TARGET_BRANCH to get the PR base and head branches.

For branch builds, this value can be the same as DRONE_BRANCH or DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH.

For tag push webhook triggers, this variable's value is the tag reference, such as refs/tags/TAG_NAME

For manual tag builds, this variable can be empty.

Depending on the build type, this value can be equivalent to the expressions <+codebase.sourceBranch> and <+trigger.sourceBranch>.

This variable is similar to DRONE_BRANCH and DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH.


For tag builds, this is the tag associated with the build. It is equivalent to <+codebase.tag>.


For branch builds and PR builds, this variable's value is the target branch for the build. You can use this value along with DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH to get the PR base and head branches.

For tag push webhook triggers, this variable's value is the tag reference, such as refs/tags/TAG_NAME.

For manual tag builds, this variable is not applicable and can be empty.

This can be equivalent to the expressions <+codebase.targetBranch> or <+trigger.targetBranch>.

This variable is similar to DRONE_BRANCH and DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH.

Timestamp variables

These variables provide unix timestamps.

  • CI_BUILD_CREATED/DRONE_BUILD_CREATED: The unix timestamp indicating the time the build object (the execution instance) was created.
  • CI_BUILD_FINISHED/DRONE_BUILD_FINISHED: Provides the unix timestamp for when the build finished. However, a running build cannot have a finish timestamp, therefore, the system always sets this value to the same as DRONE_BUILD_CREATED.
  • CI_BUILD_STARTED/DRONE_BUILD_STARTED: Provides the unix timestamp for when the build was started by the system. Equivalent to <+pipeline.startTs>, and the same as DRONE_BUILD_CREATED.
  • DRONE_STAGE_FINISHED: Provides the unix timestamp for when the stage ends. However, a running stage cannot have a finish timestamp, therefore, the system always sets this value to the same as DRONE_STAGE_STARTED.
  • DRONE_STAGE_STARTED: Provides the unix timestamp for when a stage started.

If the pipeline's first stage is a CI stage, all timestamps are the same.

Lite-engine environment variables

These variables are related to the lite-engine service.


Always /harness, which is the default workspace. This is where Harness clones the codebase, and it is the working directory for all steps in a stage.

The DRONE_WORKSPACE environment variable doesn't exist in local runner build infrastructures.

_ID variables


For descriptions of these and other identifier variables, go to Identifiers and status variables.

_SERVICE_ variables

  • HARNESS_STO_SERVICE_TOKEN: Authentication for the STO service.
  • HARNESS_TI_SERVICE_ENDPOINT: The URL for Test Intelligence service.
  • HARNESS_TI_SERVICE_TOKEN: Authentication for the Test Intelligence service.

Other lite-engine variables

Identifier and status variables

These variables provide identifiers, statuses, and other references for pipelines, builds, stages, and steps.

For commit SHAs and other codebase-related identifiers, go to Codebase and trigger variables and the CI codebase variables reference.


Identifies the build environment as CI.

Enable the feature flag, CI_POPULATE_CI_VARIABLE to ensure this variable is always true for all builds.


Identifies the build environment is CI. Always true for all builds.

Provides a deep link to the Harness build details. This value is immutable. Equivalent to the expression <+pipeline.executionUrl>.


Provides the overall build status at a point in time. If the stages and steps were passing at that time, the build status defaults to success. At build initialization, this may be empty.


Can provide a comma-separated list of failed stages at a point in time, if available.


Can provide a comma-separated list of failed steps at a point in time, if available.


Always pipeline.


The name of the stage that is running. Equivalent to <>.


Provides the overall pipeline status. If all steps up to the current time have passed, then the status is success or true. If any steps have failed, the status is failed or false.


The name of the currently-running step. Equivalent to <>.


The numerical identifier of the currently-running step, if available.


Your Harness account ID. Equivalent to <+account.identifier>.


The incremental build ID for pipeline runs. This value is immutable. Equivalent to the expression <+pipeline.sequenceId>.


Delegate identifier.


A pipeline's immutable UUID. Equivalent to <pipeline.executionId>.


Your Harness organization ID. Equivalent to <+org.identifier>.


A pipeline's identifier, usually based on the pipeline's name. Equivalent to <+pipeline.identifier>.


The Harness project ID. Equivalent to <+project.identifier>.


The identifier for a stage. Equivalent to <+stage.identifier>.


ID of the user that started the build.

Infrastructure variables

  • HARNESS_INFRA/DRONE_STAGE_TYPE: The stage build infrastructure type, such as HOSTED_VM, KUBERNETES_DIRECT, or docker.
  • PLATFORM, VERSION, DRONE_STAGE_OS, and DRONE_STAGE_MACHINE: Build infrastructure platform and machine details.
  • HARNESS_HTTP_PROXY, HARNESS_HTTPS_PROXY: For Secure connect for Harness Cloud.
  • DRONE_STAGE_ARCH: Reports Amd64 or Arm64 for VM build infrastructures only.
  • DRONE_SYSTEM_HOST and DRONE_SYSTEM_HOSTNAME: Provides the hostname used by the build infrastructure, such as localhost. Combine with DRONE_SYSTEM_PROTO to construct the server URL.
  • DRONE_SYSTEM_PROTO: The protocol used by the build infrastructure, such as https. Combine with DRONE_SYSTEM_HOST to construct the server URL.

Matrix strategy variables

These variables track matrix strategies.

  • HARNESS_NODE_INDEX: Provides the index of a parallel run within a matrix strategy. Ranges from 0 to parallelism -1.
  • HARNESS_NODE_TOTAL: Provides the total number of elements in a matrix strategy. Equivalent to the value of parallelism in the pipeline's YAML.
  • HARNESS_STAGE_INDEX: Matrix index within a stage.
  • HARNESS_STAGE_TOTAL: Total elements in a matrix within a stage.
  • HARNESS_STEP_INDEX: Matrix index within a step.
  • HARNESS_STEP_TOTAL: Total elements in a matrix within a step.

Other variables

Other environment variables might existing in your pipelines depending on the build infrastructure, build tools, specific steps used, and other configurations, for example:

  • HOME: Working directory home path, such as /home/harness.
  • JDK
  • LANG
  • PATH
  • PLUGIN_ARTIFACT_FILE: Harness uses this to show links on the Artifacts tab.
  • PWD: Print working directory.
  • USER: The root or default user ID relative to the build. Not the same as HARNESS_USER_ID.


As an environment variable, DRONE_OUTPUT is the path to a DRONE_OUTPUT.env file where Plugin steps can write output variables. This is not supported by all plugins or build infrastructures. For more information, go to Plugin step settings: Output variables.

Unsupported variables

These variables are not supported because they are not applicable or incompatible with Harness CI.

  • DRONE_BUILD_PARENT: This variable is not applicable because it is for the Drone-specific promotions feature.
  • DRONE_DEPLOY_TO: This variable is not applicable because it is for continuous delivery in Drone.
  • DRONE_ENV: Not supported for all builds.
  • DRONE_STAGE_VARIANT: This variable is not supported because it is optional and only applies to ARM architectures.
  • DRONE_SYSTEM_VERSION: This variable is not applicable because it describes the Drone server version.