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Configure IDP


This document outlines the steps a Harness Account Admin can follow to set up the IDP module, including configuring Git integration.. Presently, the module needs to be enabled on request. Read more.


  • IDP must be provisioned for the given account.

  • Only users with the Harness Account Admin role or assigned IDP Admin role (with permissions shown below) can configure IDP. Here's the detailed documentation on how to assign roles

Getting Started

  1. You land on the IDP module by navigating from the sidebar after logging into your Harness account. We strongly recommend users to follow the onboarding guide selecting the Get Started, for a seamless onboarding resulting in a catalog with software components.

  1. Now that you're on the onboarding wizard, let's get started with setting up Git connectors to onboard the software components.

Connector Setup

The software components in IDP are defined using YAML files, which are typically stored in your git repositories hence configuring a connector for these git providers is essential to fetch and manage these YAML files.

The following set of git providers are supported:



  • Only HTTP mode is supported for all the git providers. SSH connection type is not supported.

    In IDP, API calls to git providers are used to fetch YAML data, retrieve the last commit SHA, and detect new changes. Since SSH authentication is only suitable for cloning repositories and cannot be used for these API calls, the primary git connector for IDP's git integration must support API requests, making HTTP the only supported option.

  • Multiple Connectors with different hostname can be used for a single Git Provider at once.
  • While setting up connector, both Account & Repo type for URL is supported.
  • Connection through Harness platform and delegate is supported.
  • You can provide the repository URL to verify repository read permission with the given host and credentials before saving the Git integration.

Harness Code Repository

  1. In case you are already using Harness Code Repository, a default connector with only Read Permission would be available for the code repo set-up under the same account as that of IDP. Note this connector is uneditable and managed by Harness.

  1. You can as well create a new connector for other git-providers under the +New Integration. If you already have a connector available which you want to use in IDP to save your catalog-info.yaml, then select the connector under Select Git Connector, use a URL to validate and save the connector. If you don't have your connector configured already follow the steps mentioned below.

  • We do not allow the creation of new connectors for Harness Code Repository.

The scope is tied to URL format, so all the Git Providers must provide the URL until at least the org name. Further, it can be scoped down to the repository or project level as well.

  • Once the connectors are created, you can see all the git providers configured for IDP.


Make sure to enable API access while configuring the connector for the IDP catalog setup.

Onboard Services

Users will now have option to onboard existing Harness services into IDP, or start with a sample service.

Import Harness Services

  • User will be shown the list of services in their account. It will be defined in terms of IDP entity i.e Harness organization is a domain, Harness project is a system and Harness service is a component in the IDP world. This list includes services at all scopes.

  • User can choose all the services / individual services / no services

Onboarding OptionDescription
AllImport all Harness services into IDP.
IndividualSelect specific Harness services to import.
NoStart with a sample entity for testing and initial setup.

  • User gets a view on how the entity definition looks like

  • Now add the details on where the entities will be created in git:
  • Connector - The connector is selected by default.

  • Directory Path - Give a path for the directory in which you want to write the catalog-info.yaml files.

  • Repo Path - Go to the Code Repository and under files select Clone and copy the repository path.

Validate the permission and the catalog-info.yaml files would be created in your directory in Code repository.

Create and Register Entities

  • Once the required details are entered and submitted for importing, we will push the generated entity YAML files to the repo and path provided. You will be seeing two commits - one during the sync process and another asynchronously, which will consist of remaining entities will be pushed in an asynchronous manner. The time frame for asynchronous operation(second commit) will depend on the repo size is and number of revisions the provided repo has.

  • In the background, the catalog are also imported into IDP along with their associated configs.


  • User can navigate to the IDP homepage to get started. Catalog will start showing up software components once the asynchronous operation is completed.

  • Since during the onboarding flow Harness will not be able to discover the complete metadata of the entity, the owner field will be set to Unknown. As part of the IDP provisioning, Harness users and groups are imported to IDP. With this in place, customers can start editing the catalog info YAML definition to update the owner for each of the entity.

  • Post onboarding, users can import any number of entities into Harness IDP using the register component flow. This flow expects you to provide the complete URL where the entity definition is stored.

Onboard Services Post Getting Started

  • You can add new services to the IDP after the initial onboarding flow. Simply navigate to Admin, select Get Started, and you’ll find the Onboard Service Wizard available for use.


If you're using GitHub connector, you can go with App based authentication which provides higher number of API requests in an hour window for your catalog to be in sync with the latest updates without resulting in rate limit error. Read more about GitHub Apps