SEI connects to Jira via REST APIs, that is used for ingesting metadata for Jira Issues, Projects, Users, Statuses, and Sprints. By default, SEI captures all standard fields across these entities, and users can also specify custom fields for ingestion.
The full details of all the fields are
mentioned below.
Jira issues
Metadata |
- id
- key
- changelog
- issuetype
- project
- id
- key
- name
- projectTypeKey
- simplified
- fixVersions
- resolution
- resolutiondate
- created
- priority
- labels
- versions
- issuelinks
- assignee
- updated
- status
- description
- name
- id
- statusCategory
- components
- description
- summary
- creator
- accountId
- accountType
- name
- key
- displayName
- active
- emailAddress
- duedate
- progress
- total
- votes
- comment
- comments
- description_length
- description_text
- statuscategorychangedate
- watches
- issuerestriction
- aggregateprogress
- timetracking
- workratio
- worklog
- startAt
- maxResults
- total
- worklogs
Jira sprints
Metadata |
- id
- state
- name
- startDate
- endDate
- completeDate
- activateDate
- originBoardId
- goal
Jira statuses
Metadata |
- description
- name
- id
- statusCategory
Jira projects
Metadata |
- id
- key
- description
- lead
- components
- issueTypes
- assigneeType
- versions
- name
- roles
- projectTypeKey
- simplified
- style
- isPrivate
- projectKeys
- priority_scheme
- default_priorities
Jira users
Metadata |
- accountId
- accountType
- name (Jira connect app)
- key
- displayName
- active
- emailAddress (Jira connect app)
Jira custom fields
The system ingests all the custom fields as specified by the user.