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SCM Rework Report Calculation

In this example, we consider a software development team working on a given project.

Over the past month, the team has been working on enhancing the existing codebase to add new features and fix bugs. Here's a breakdown of the code changes made during this period:

FileLines AddedLines DeletedLines Modified
file3.cpp (new)1500

Assuming that file1.js,, and are considered Legacy Code (older than the configured time threshold), we can calculate the various metrics as follows:

  1. Total Refactored Lines Total Refactored Lines = Total Lines Modified + Total Lines Deleted = (20 + 30) + (5 + 8) = 50 + 13 = 63
  2. Total Legacy Rework Lines Total Legacy Rework Lines = Lines Modified in Legacy Files + Lines Deleted in Legacy Files = (20 + 30) + (5 + 8) = 50 + 13 = 63
  3. Total New Lines Total New Lines = Total Lines Added in New Files = 15 (added in file3.cpp)
  4. Total lines changed Total lines changed = Total Refactored Lines + Total New Lines = 63 + 15 = 78
  5. Percentage of Rework Percentage of Rework = (Total Refactored Lines / Total lines changed) * 100 = (63 / 78) * 100 = 80.77%
  6. Percentage of Legacy Rework Percentage of Legacy Rework = (Total Legacy Rework Lines / Total lines changed) * 100 = (63 / 78) \ * 100 = 80.77%

In this example, we can see that a significant portion of the code changes (80.77%) involved refactoring existing code, with the same percentage being attributed to legacy code rework. The team also added 15 new lines of code to the codebase.

A high Percentage of Rework and Percentage of Legacy Rework may indicate potential issues with Code Quality, changing requirements, or the need for refactoring the existing codebase.