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How To deploy Spinnaker with Configurations stored in Configmaps instead of Secrets


Up until now, Spinnaker configuration is stored by default as Kubernetes Secrets.  In order to help some customers with compliance and to ensure that configurations are stored in the expected location, Armory has adjusted code to provide the option to store the configuration in Kubernetes ConfigMaps instead, for those deploying using  Armory Operator. This article shows how to deploy Spinnaker with this option enabled.


This feature is available starting in armory-operator: 1.8.0


Below are the steps to enable the function

  • Ensure your operator deployment is using the correct image  armory-operator: 1.8.0 or greater ( the the halyard configmap named halyard-config-map, set halyard.configSourceType to configMap instead of the default secret. data: halyard.yml: | halyard: halconfig: directory: /Users/spinnaker/.hal configSourceType: configMap spinnaker: config: input: bucket: halconfig region: us-west-2 secrets: vault: enabled: false url: https://vault.url path: example role: example authMethod: KUBERNETES   Ensure that the configmap is mounted on the halyard pod apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: name: spinnaker-operator template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: name: spinnaker-operator spec: volumes:
    • name: halyard-config-map configMap: name: halyard-config-map defaultMode: 420 containers:
    • name: halyard image: armory/halyard-armory:1.12.0-76b471c-operator ports:
      • containerPort: 8064 protocol: TCP resources: volumeMounts:
      • name: halyard-config-map mountPath: /opt/spinnaker/config #......manifest file is truncated for brevity

If the Spinnaker environment is already deployed, it will need to be redeploy for the changes to take effect on the pods