The process below defines how to provision Harness connectors and GCP IAM roles using Terraform.
You will need access to provision IAM roles in GCP and create CCM connectors in Harness.
Setup Providers
We need to leverage the GCP and Harness Terraform providers. We will use these to create IAM roles and CCM connectors. We also will get all GCP subscriptions and set the Harness service account. To get all subscriptions, we are filtering on the parent folder This document describes other ways to get a list of projects such as at the organization level.
You should already have a billing connector in your GCP organization for the project that has the billing export. To find this connector, go to the Harness UI -> Account Settings -> Connectors -> Click on the GCP connector that has the billing export -> Toggle the YAML view -> Copy the value for 'serviceAccountEmail'.
You can get the hierarchical structure of a project by running this gcloud CLI command:
gcloud projects get-ancestors {projectId}
You can get the complete project list in your organization by running:
gcloud projects list
terraform {
required_providers {
harness = {
source = "harness/harness"
google = {
source = "google"
provider "google" {}
provider "harness" {}
variable "harness_gcp_sa" {
type = string
Get all projects in a specific folder:
data "google_projects" "my-org-projects" {
filter = "parent.type:folder parent.id:0123456789"
Get all projects in an organization:
data "google_projects" "my-org-projects" {
filter = "name:*"
Create Role In Each GCP Project
There are two examples. One is project-wide viewer (read-only) access and the other is project-wide editor access. Based on your needs in Harness, choose the minimum amount of permissions needed.
Note: If you give the Harness service account the appropriate permissions across your entire organization via the GCP console, you do not have to use the below Terraform to give permissions for each project.
# for view access
resource "google_project_iam_member" "viewer" {
for_each = { for project in data.google_projects.my-org-projects.projects : project.project_id => project }
project = each.value.project_id
role = "roles/viewer"
member = "serviceAccount:${var.harness_gcp_sa}"
# for editor access
resource "google_project_iam_member" "editor" {
for_each = { for project in data.google_projects.my-org-projects.projects : project.project_id => project }
project = each.value.project_id
role = "roles/editor"
member = "serviceAccount:${var.harness_gcp_sa}"
Create A CCM Connector For Each GCP Project
Use the Harness provider to create a CCM connector for each GCP project. In this example, we are enabling recommendations (VISIBILITY), governance (GOVERNANCE), and autostopping (OPTIMIZATION).
resource "harness_platform_connector_gcp_cloud_cost" "this" {
for_each = { for project in data.google_projects.my-org-projects.projects : project.project_id => project }
identifier = replace(each.value.project_id, "-", "_")
name = each.value.name
gcp_project_id = each.value.project_id
service_account_email = var.harness_gcp_sa
This is a general example of providing either viewer or reditor access for each connector inside of a GCP folder. This example doesn't include setting up the connector for the billing export. This guide assumes there already exists a connector in a GCP project that has the billing export and an existing connector for the billing data has already registered and imported the Harness service account in the organization.
Supplemental Information
Here is the Terraform documentation for the Harness provider.
Here is the Terraform documentation for the GCP provider.
Here is the GCP API documentation.