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Use a GitHub App to push commits

Harness CI's codebase configuration uses a code repo connector to clone your code, push status updates to PRs, and create and use repo webhooks. If your code is stored in GitHub repos, you can use a GitHub App in a Harness GitHub connector for authentication.

However, if you need your CI pipeline to commit and push changes to your repo, the code repo connector doesn't support pushing to the cloned repo.

If you need a CI pipeline to push changes to a repo, use the instructions in this article to configure a Custom Secrets Manager setup to generate a dynamic personal access token from the same GitHub App used by your code repo connector. Then, you can run your commit and push commands in a Run step using the generated credentials.

Create a secrets manager template

First, create a secrets manager template at the account level.

  1. Go to your Harness Account Settings and select Templates under Account Resources.

  2. Select New Template, and then select Secrets Manager.

  3. For Name, enter GitHub App PAT Dispenser or another recognizable name.

  4. For Version Label, enter 1.

  5. Select Start.

  6. Switch to the YAML editor using the toggle at the top of the template page.

  7. Edit the YAML and append the following to the existing YAML:

shell: Bash
delegateSelectors: []
type: Inline
script: |-
set -o pipefail


now=$(date +%s)
iat=$((${now} - 60)) # Issues 60 seconds in the past
exp=$((${now} + 600)) # Expires 10 minutes in the future

b64enc() { openssl base64 | tr -d '=' | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '\n'; }

# Header encode
header=$( echo -n "${header_json}" | b64enc )

# Payload encode
payload=$( echo -n "${payload_json}" | b64enc )

# Signature
openssl dgst -sha256 -sign <(echo -n "${pem}") \
<(echo -n "${header_payload}") | b64enc

# Create JWT

export PAT=$(curl --request POST \
--url "<+secretManager.environmentVariables.installation_id>/access_tokens" \
--header "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" \
--header "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28"|grep token|cut -d'"' -f4)

# Export PAT as secret
- name: installation_id
type: String
value: <+input>
- name: app_id
type: String
value: <+input>
- name: github_app_private_key
type: String
value: <+input>
outputVariables: []
key: PAT
scope: Pipeline
onDelegate: true
Use jq to extract PAT

On line 57, the script uses grep token|cut -d'"' -f4 to extract the PAT from the payload returned by GitHub. This is because JQ is not included with the default Harness delegate image.

If you installed jq on your delegate, replace the grep command with jq '.token'.

Add a custom secrets manager connector

Next, use the template to add a custom secret manager connector.

You can create this at the account level to give the access granted by this GitHub App to all projects in your Harness account, or you can create it at the org or project level to restrict the connector's access to a specific org/projects.

  1. Go to your Harness Account Settings and select Connectors under Account Resources.

  2. Select New Connector, and then select Custom Secrets Manager under Secrets Managers.

  3. For Name, enter GitHub App Pat Dispenser or a similar recognizable name, and then select Continue.

  4. For Shell Script, select Select Template, select your custom secrets manager template that you created previously, and then select Use template.

  5. For each Input Variable, select the function icon and change the input type to Fixed Value. Then, enter the appropriate value:

    • installation_id - GitHub App installation ID
    • app_id - GitHub App ID
    • github_app_private_key - An expressions referencing a Harness file secret containing the GitHub App's private key.
  6. Select Continue, modify the delegate configuration if desired, and then select Save and Continue. If the connection test succeed, select Finish.

Here's a YAML example for the custom secrets manager connector:

name: GitHub App PAT Dispenser
identifier: GitHub_App_PAT_Dispenser
description: ""
accountIdentifier: 1234
type: CustomSecretManager
onDelegate: true
templateRef: account.GitHub_App_PAT_Dispenser
versionLabel: "1"
- name: installation_id
value: "12341234"
type: String
useAsDefault: true
- name: app_id
value: "12345"
type: String
useAsDefault: true
- name: github_app_private_key
value: <+secrets.getValue("account.github-app-connector-private-key")>
type: String
useAsDefault: true
timeout: 20
default: false

Create a secret with the custom secrets manager

Now, you can create a text secret to use in your CI pipeline that generates a dynamic token you can use to perform Git operations or interact with the GitHub API using the GitHub App to authenticate.

  1. Go to Account Settings and select Secrets under Account Resources.

  2. Select New Secret, and then select Text.

  3. For Secrets Manager, select your GitHub App custom secrets manager connector.

  4. For Secret Name, enter dynamic-pat or another recognizable name, and then select Save.

Use the dynamic token in a pipeline for Git authentication

Finally, you can use dynamic-pat secret to authenticate Git commands or GitHub API calls in a Run step. Use an expression to reference the secret, such as <+secrets.getValue("dynamic-pat")>

For example, this script sets up the pipelines default codebase with authentication using the dynamic token:

git config --global --add /harness
git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"
origin_url=$(git remote get-url origin)
auth_url=$(echo "$origin_url" | sed 's/<+secrets.getValue("dynamic-pat")>')
git remote set-url origin "$auth_url"

With this authentication in place, you can use the same Run step or sequential Run steps to run commands that commit and push changes to your repo.