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New Navigation FAQs

General Information

Why did Harness introduce a new navigation experience?

Harness is committed to enhancing the user experience and providing a more intuitive and efficient navigation system to help users easily access and utilize the full range of Harness features.

How does the new navigation experience benefit users?

Nav 2.0 introduces several enhancements, including:

  • Focused views per module
  • Productivity view for a seamless multi-module experience
  • Customizable navigation options

Transition and Training

Will training be provided for the new navigation experience?

Yes, Harness will provide training resources, such as documentation, in-product video walkthroughs, and live webinars, to ensure a smooth transition. Harness Support is available to assist with any questions.

How will Harness ensure a smooth transition for users?

Harness has conducted extensive testing to identify and address potential issues. Additionally, Harness Support is available to assist users during the transition period, and Harness encourages feedback to address any concerns.

Technical details

Is downtime expected during the rollout?

Harness has planned the rollout to minimize disruptions, and Harness anticipates minimal to no downtime.

Will the new navigation experience affect existing integrations or configurations?

The new navigation is designed to maintain compatibility with existing integrations and configurations. However, Harness recommends reviewing the new navigation documentation for specific considerations related to your setup.

Feedback and support

How can I provide feedback on the new navigation experience?

You can use the feedback form in the Help section or reach out to Harness Support directly. Your input is valuable in helping Harness make continuous improvements.

What if I encounter issues after the rollout?

Harness Support is ready to assist you. Please contact Harness Support through our support channels, and Harness will work promptly to address any issues or concerns you have.