When creating autostopping rules by hand in the Harness UI, scale can be a real problem. With many AWS accounts and many instances to manage, we need to lean on infrastructure as code to create these rules and schedules automatically.
You will need access to describe EC2 instances in AWS and create AutoStopping rules in Harness.
Setup Providers
We need to leverage the AWS and Harness Terraform providers. We will use these to query for instances to stop and create the rules/schedules accordingly.
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 5.0"
harness = {
source = "harness/harness"
Get Data From AWS
First we can use the AWS provider and a data resource for EC2 instances to get instances that have a specific tag. In this case, we are looking for instances which have been tagged with Schedule equal to us-work-hours.
data "aws_instances" "this" {
instance_tags = {
Schedule = "us-work-hours"
We can also get RDS instances the same way.
data "aws_db_instances" "this" {
tags = {
Schedule = "us-work-hours"
Create AutoStopping Rules
Use the Harness provider to create autostopping rules from the AWS data we received for EC2 and RDS instances
# EC2
resource "harness_autostopping_rule_vm" "this" {
for_each = toset(data.aws_instances.this.ids)
name = "${each.key} us-work-hours"
cloud_connector_id = "rileyharnessccm"
idle_time_mins = 5
filter {
vm_ids = [
regions = [
data.aws_instances.this.id # region of instances
resource "harness_autostopping_rule_rds" "this" {
for_each = toset(data.aws_db_instances.this.instance_identifiers)
name = "${each.key} us-work-hours"
cloud_connector_id = "rileyharnessccm"
idle_time_mins = 5
database {
id = each.key
region = data.aws_db_instances.this.id
Create a Schedule For Each AutoStopping Rule
Now that the rules are created, attach a schedule to each rule that matches the time you want the instance to stay on.
resource "harness_autostopping_schedule" "this" {
name = "usworkhours"
schedule_type = "uptime"
time_zone = "EST"
repeats {
days = ["MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"]
start_time = "11:00"
end_time = "17:00"
rules = concat([
for rule in harness_autostopping_rule_vm.this : rule.id
], [
for rule in harness_autostopping_rule_rds.this : rule.id
This is a general example of one AWS account. You can scale this out to implement these rules across many AWS accounts.