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Chaos agent installation access requirements

This topic lists the Kubernetes chaos agent installation access requirement for discovery and all types of faults.

Resource Modes (Scope of chaos agent) Permissions required Use
pod Namespaced, Cluster [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, deletecollection] Manage transient pods created to perform chaos.
events Namespaced, Cluster [create, get, list, patch, update] Generate and manage chaos events.
secrets Namespaced, Cluster [get, update, patch, create] To read authentication information (cluster ID and access-keys), configuration tunables.
ConfigMaps Namespaced, Cluster [get, list, create, patch, update, watch, delete] Configuration tunables and leader-election.
pods/log Namespaced, Cluster [get, list, watch] Track execution logs.
jobs Namespaced, Cluster [create, delete, get, list, deletecollection] Chaos experiments are launched as Kubernetes jobs.
pods/exec, pods/eviction Namespaced, Cluster [get, list, create]
  • For creating and managing to execute commands inside the target container.
  • Used in some experiments and command probe.
services Namespaced, Cluster [get, list]
  • Generate chaos metrics.
  • Watch or probe application service metrics for health.
deployments, statefulsets Namespaced, Cluster [get, list, patch, update, delete] For asset discovery and pod-autoscaler fault.
replicasets, replicationcontrollers, daemonsets, deploymentconfigs, rollouts Namespaced, Cluster [get, list] For asset discovery of available resources on the cluster so that you can target them with chaos experiments.
networkpolicies Namespaced, Cluster [create, delete, list, get] Cause chaos through network partitions.
nodes Cluster-scoped only [patch, get, list, update, watch] Filter or isolate chaos targets to specific nodes. Subject nodes to chaos (only in cluster-scope).
namespaces Cluster-scoped only [get, list, watch] For asset discovery to list the namespaces(only in cluster-scope).
chaosengines, chaosexperiments, chaosresults, chaosschedules, chaosengines/finalizers Namespaced, Cluster [create, delete, get, list, patch, update] Lifecycle management of chaos custom resources in CE.
customresourcedefinitions Cluster-scoped only [create, delete, get, list, patch, update] Lifecycle management of chaos custom resources in CE.
leases Namespaced, Cluster [get, create, list, update, delete] Enable high availability of chaos custom controllers via leader elections.
workflows, workflows/finalizers, workflowtemplates, workflowtemplates/finalizers cronworkflows, cronworkflows/finalizers, Namespaced, Cluster [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch] Lifecycle management of chaos custom resources in workflow controller.
clusterworkflowtemplates, clusterworkflowtemplates/finalizers Cluster-scoped only [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch] Lifecycle management of chaos custom resources in workflow controller.
workflowtasksets, workflowartifactgctasks, workflowtaskresults Namespaced, Cluster [get, list, watch, deletecollection] Lifecycle management of chaos custom resources in workflow controller.