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Setting Up Connectors

This topic describes how to set up connectors within Harness DB DevOps.

Setting Up Connectors for Databases

JDBC Connectors

The JDBC connector accepts the following:

  • JDBC URL: The database URL (string)
  • Username: Username (string / secret)
  • Password: Password (secret)

It performs a test connection using a delegate with a delegate selector or any available delegate. Ensure the delegate has network access to the database.

The JDBC connector is used for connecting to your database instance.

URL Examples

DatabaseJDBC URL Format
GOOGLE SPANNERjdbc:cloudspanner:/projects/{project-id}/instances/{instance-id}/databases/{database-name}?lenient=true

Setting Up Google Spanner

Google Spanner uses a unique JDBC URL format and does not require a password for authentication. Instead, authentication is handled via Service Account (SA) credentials.

Prerequisites for Google Spanner

  1. Authentication:
    • Authentication is done via Kubernetes Service Account (KSA) linked to a Google Service Account (GSA).
    • The GSA must have the following roles:
      • roles/spanner.databaseAdmin
      • roles/spanner.databaseUser

Connector FAQs

Why can't I connect to my Oracle database with a   sys as sysdba   username?

Sometimes, users want to login to their database using the sys as sysdba username. To do so properly with Harness:

  1. Your JDBC URL should have the query parameter internal_logon=sysdba
  2. Your Username should be sys.

Go to Oracle's documentation for information about logging on as sys.