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Container configures step execution inside a container.


  • image - string
    The container image

  • credentials - Credentials
    The registry authentication credentials

  • pull - string
    The container pull options

    enum values:

    • sh
    • bash
    • powershell
    • pwsh
  • entrypoint - string
    Override the container entrypoint

  • args - []string
    The container args

  • dns - string, []string
    The custom dns servers

  • dns_search - string, []string
    The custom dns search domains

  • extra_hosts - string, []string
    The hostname mappings.

  • network - string
    The container is attached to the named docker network.

  • network_mode - string
    The container network mode. bridge, host, none

  • privileged - boolean
    The container is run with escalated privileges.

  • user - string
    Override the container user.