Run Job - Producing Artifacts
If you're using the Run Job (Manifest) stage in Spinnaker, it is sometimes helpful to be able to produce arbitrary artifacts. For example, if you have a run job that produces a Kubernetes manifest, you can have the run job output the manifest in base64 as an embedded/base64 artifact.
How to Achieve It
Have your Run Job output the artifacts into STDOUT
so they get added to the stage JSON:
- Configure the Run Job to Capture Output from
)* Configure the stageProduces Artifacts
section to match your artifact
We have a run job that’s going to produce a Kubernetes manifest that looks like this:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: hello-today spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: hello-monday template: metadata: labels: app: hello-monday spec: containers:
- image: 'justinrlee/nginx:monday' name: 'hello-today'
The base64-formatted version of this is roughly like this (depending on spacing of the above):
### Create a Spinnaker stage of type “Run Job (Manifest)”
For the purposes of the example, we’re just echo-ing the output, but you could generate the base64 in a number of ways, such as piping helm to base64: ```helm template | base64```.
Put this in the Manifest Configuration:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: echo
namespace: spinnaker
- echo
- "SPINNAKER_CONFIG_JSON={\"artifacts\": [{\"type\":\"embedded/base64\",\"name\": \"hello-manifest\", \"reference\": \"YXBpVmVyc2lvbjogYXBwcy92MQpraW5kOiBEZXBsb3ltZW50Cm1ldGFkYXRhOgogIG5hbWU6IGhlbGxvLXRvZGF5CnNwZWM6CiAgcmVwbGljYXM6IDEKICBzZWxlY3RvcjoKICAgIG1hdGNoTGFiZWxzOgogICAgICBhcHA6IGhlbGxvLW1vbmRheQogIHRlbXBsYXRlOgogICAgbWV0YWRhdGE6CiAgICAgIGxhYmVsczoKICAgICAgICBhcHA6IGhlbGxvLW1vbmRheQogICAgc3BlYzoKICAgICAgY29udGFpbmVyczoKICAgICAgLSBpbWFnZTogJ2p1c3RpbnJsZWUvbmdpbng6bW9uZGF5JwogICAgICAgIG5hbWU6ICdoZWxsby10b2RheScK\"}]}"
image: alpine
name: manifest-generator
restartPolicy: Never
### Configure the “Output” section as follows:
Capture Output From: ```Logs```Container Name: ```manifest-generator```
Scroll to the “Produces Artifacts” section, and click “Define Artifact”. Specify these options:
Account: ```embedded-artifact```Name: ```hello-manifest```
This will generate an artifact ```Display name``` which can be used in later stages to reference the generated artifact. For example, this might be ```alpine-fox-34```
To use the artifact, create a **Deploy (Manifest) Stage** that depends on the Run Job stage. Specify the following:
Account: Choose your Kubernetes cluster or accountManifest Source: ```Artifact```Manifest Artifact: Select the display name from the previous stage (such as ```alpine-fox-34```)
Save and run your pipeline