What's supported
Supported dashboards features and integrations.
Dashboards overview
An overview of dashboards in Harness.
Use Dashboard Intelligence by AIDA
Learn how to use Dashboard Intelligence by AIDA to create dashboards.
Add custom fields to custom dashboards
This topic talks about how to add custom fields (dimensions and measures) to your dashboard.
Create conditional alerts
This topic describes how to create conditional alerts for your dashboards.
Create dashboards
This topic describes how to create a Dashboard.
Create visualizations and graphs
This topic explains how to create visualizations that best show off your data.
Best practices for building dashboards
To create dashboards that are effective and efficient, you need to consider their performance. As our dashboards can load large amounts of data, building them for optimal performance will save you ti…
Download dashboard data
This page describes how to download content from By Harness Dashboards.
Schedule and share dashboards
This topic describes how to schedule and share dashboards.
Use dashboard actions
This topic describes how to use different dashboard actions.