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Connect to a ChaosHub

This topic describes how to add and connect a custom ChaosHub.

Prerequisites for Adding a Custom ChaosHub

  1. Make sure you have a Git repository for your custom ChaosHub, where you will store experiments and faults. The repository must include two folders: experiments and faults. Here's an example repo:

    Private Hub

  2. Generate a personal access token from GitHub to access and sync your repository with Harness. The token must have at least the repo scope.

    GitHub New personal access token (classic) screen

Add a Custom ChaosHub


To share your custom ChaosHub with another Harness project, add the hub to the other project by following the same procedure.

Next steps

You can add and launch experiments in your custom ChaosHub, or add YAML fault and experiment definitions directly in your ChaosHub GitHub repository, and then sync it with Harness. For more details, go to Manage ChaosHub.