Harness Code onboarding guide
This guide explains what you need to know to get started with the Harness Code Repository module.
Learn key concepts
- If you're new to Harness, review the Harness Platform onboarding guide before onboarding to Code.
- Learn about the Harness Code key concepts.
Set up repos
- Create fresh repos in Harness Code.
- Import repos to Harness Code from other Git SCM providers
- Mirror repos in any SCM provider.
Work in repos
Work in your Harness Code repos as you would in other SCM tools:
- Clone your repo to work locally.
- Branch, commit, and tag by command line or directly in the Harness Platform.
- Create, review, and merge pull requests.
Configure pipelines
Configure your pipelines to build, test, and deploy code from your Harness Code repos.
Manage access
Within Harness Code, you can configure branch rules and CODEOWNERS for individual repositories.
Broader access control for Harness Code is handled primarily through Harness Platform RBAC.
Harness Code includes one built-in role, which is the Code Admin role. You can create additional roles as needed. Permissions for Harness Code include the ability to view, create/edit, delete, and push to repositories.
Check out this video to learn more about access control with Harness Code.