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This topic describes the versions of HCE, the interaction between different components, and how to get started with HCE.

Before you begin

Harness Chaos Engineering is available in SaaS and self-managed versions.

  1. SaaS (Software-as-a-service): You either sign up or get invited to a specific project. You can also create a project if you have the necessary permissions. HCE helps manage the cluster.
  2. SMP (Self-managed platform): You create, manage and maintain your clusters. You are responsible for providing permissions to projects and handling issues associated with them.

Steps to execute a HCE experiment

To create a chaos experiment, complete the following steps:

  1. Fulfill the resource requirements: In this step, you can create resources or get the required permissions to create the necessary resources.
  2. Add an environment: A chaos experiment is performed within a chaos environment that houses the necessary infrastructure.
  3. Add a chaos infrastructure: The required chaos infrastructure is created within a chaos environment.
  4. Validate the chaos infrastructure installation: Once you create your chaos infrastructure, ensure that it has been created in the right manner.
  5. Create a demo application: You can either create a demo application or use your application on which you can execute chaos experiments.
  6. Create and run a chaos experiment: Once you have set up your application, you can decide which resources to target and execute the chaos experiments on.

Next steps

For a guided experience, try: