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Harness UI overview

You can interact with the Harness platform through the Harness UI. It is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, while also providing robust features and capabilities for managing software releases.

You can explore Harness through various dimensions:

  • Account: The account scope includes account-level settings and account-wide view of projects, modules, and so on.
  • Organization: Drill down into a specific organization to access organization-level settings and project/module usage within that organization.
  • Project: Drill down further into a specific project and access project-level settings and module usage within that project.
  • Module: Select a module to access the features and functionality of that module.

Harness navigation version 2.0

Harness navigation 2.0 brings an overhauled navigation experience that caters to different personas, addresses their unique needs, and ultimately reduces task completion time.

Once enabled on your account, you'll notices changes to the left and top navigation, while most of the central page experience remains consistent with navigation 1.0.

This experience also introduces multi-module mode and single module mode so you can work across multiple modules or focus on a specific module, depending on your needs. As you could in navigation 1.0, you can configure the side panel to show or hide specific modules.

This video provides a walkthrough of the new navigation experience and highlights its benefits.

The left navigation for version 2.0 includes the following options.

Your scope is given at the top of the left navigation. Select the scope (Account, Organization, or Project) to change your scope.

You can change scope levels entirely (or example, drill down from organization or project scope) or select different entities at the same scope (such as a different project or organization).

The remainder of the left nav updates based on the selected scope.

For example, at the account and project scope, the Overview summarizes recent activity in the account or project, but there is no overview at the Organization scope.

Harness legacy navigation version 1.0

The left navigation for version 1.0 includes the following options.

Explore projects in your Harness account. Project visibility depends on your permissions.

Customize navigation

You can show or hide modules according to your preferences.

To customize your navigation in legacy navigation (1.0):

  1. Below the list of modules in the left navigation, select the Select Modules grid icon.

    Select module option in left nav
  2. Select the wrench icon to customize your navigation.

    Option to customize left nav
  3. To show or hide a module on the left nav, select or deselect the checkbox next to the module name.

  4. To rearrange the order of the modules, drag and drop the modules.

  5. Harness automatically saves your changes. Select the X in the upper right corner to exit navigation configuration.