Gradle build and daemon issues
This article addresses some Gradle issues you might encounter with Harness Continuous Integration (CI).
Out of memory errors with Gradle
If a Gradle build experiences out of memory errors, add the following to your
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseContainerSupport
Your Java options must use UseContainerSupport instead of UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap
, which was removed in JDK 11.
Configure service dependencies in Gradle builds
You can use Background steps to manage long-running service dependencies for Gradle builds. You can also launch services ad-hoc by using commands or flags (such as --daemon
) in your steps.
Enable the Gradle daemon in builds
To enable the Gradle daemon in your Harness CI builds, include the --daemon
option when running Gradle commands in your build scripts (such as in Run steps or in build arguments for Build and Push steps). This option instructs Gradle to use the daemon process.
Optionally, you can use Background steps to optimize daemon performance.
Manage Gradle daemon dependencies to improve performance
In Harness CI builds, each step runs in a separate container. If your pipeline has multiple steps that utilize Gradle through CLI, each step initiates a separate Gradle daemon (unless you explicitly set --no-daemon
To optimize the build process and improve performance, use a Background step to create a single Gradle daemon that can be used by all subsequent steps in the stage. This reduces the overhead of daemon startup and enhances the efficiency of the entire pipeline.
- step:
type: Background
name: Gradle_Daemon
identifier: Gradle_Daemon
image: gradle
shell: Sh
- gradle
GRADLE_USER_HOME: /harness/.gradle
GRADLE_OPTS: "-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=\"-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m\""
memory: 1G
Parallel Gradle builds fail with "Currently in use by another Gradle instance"
Multiple parallel steps attempting to run gradle build
(or other tasks) can cause the following error when multiple steps attempt to acquire lock on the same file:
Timeout waiting to lock checksums cache. It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
To resolve this, set a custom GRADLE_USER_HOME
directory for each daemon. Add the following commands before your first gradle TASK
command in each step, and make sure the custom path is not in your stage's shared paths.
mkdir -p /tmp/gradlehome
export GRADLE_USER_HOME=/tmp/gradlehome
For more information and discussion on this Gradle error, go to:
- Gradle Forums - Timeout waiting to lock checksums cache in Kubernetes pods
- StackOverflow - It is currently in use by another Gradle instance
Gradle version not compatible with Test Intelligence.
If you use Java with Gradle, Test Intelligence assumes ./gradlew
is present in the root of your project. If not, TI falls back to the Gradle tool to run the tests. As long as your Gradle version has test filtering support, it is compatible with Test Intelligence.
Add the following to your build.gradle
to make it compatible with Test Intelligence:
// This adds HARNESS_JAVA_AGENT to the testing command if it's
// provided through the command line.
// Local builds will still remain same as it only adds if the
// parameter is provided.
tasks.withType(Test) {
if(System.getProperty("HARNESS_JAVA_AGENT")) {
jvmArgs += [System.getProperty("HARNESS_JAVA_AGENT")]
// This makes sure that any test tasks for subprojects don't
// fail in case the test filter does not match.
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
tasks.withType(Test) {
filter {